field notes

Rare and common sightings from home and abroad.

Kim McClelland Kim McClelland

The three types of unhappiness (Part 1)

“You’ve no doubt heard people say that happiness is a choice. And perhaps, like me, you shrugged your shoulders and mumbled ‘maybe for you, it is’. But what if we’ve misunderstood what they meant?”

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Paul Fleckney Paul Fleckney

The three types of unhappiness (Part 2)

“In The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Mark Manson suggests that when we decide what to give a f*ck about in the brief time allotted to us on this earth, we shouldn’t focus on the (hedonic) pleasure we want. Instead we should ask ourselves, what pain am I willing to endure to get what I want?”

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Kim McClelland Kim McClelland

The three types of unhappiness (Part 3)

“Natural unhappiness requires a frame of happiness grounded in reality and acceptance. But when the opposite occurs, and we base our idea of happiness on delusion and denial, this can give rise to the third and final type of unhappiness, which I call unnatural unhappiness.”

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